2019 IRMS Award for Best Junior Scholar Paper
Jacopo Doti, Bologna University, Italy for his paper
"Nekrasov’s poem ‘The Verdant Noise’ and Rachmaninov’s cantata The Spring: an Inter-Semiotic Translation."
2019 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Vojtěch Frank, Ph. D candidate, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic for his paper
"Опереточная жанровая система в творчестве Исаака Дунаевского в контексте взаимодействий гендера и культуры" [The Genre System of Isaak Dunaevsky Operettas in the Context of Gender and Culture].
2021 IRMS Award for Best Junior Scholar Paper
Giuseppina Giuliano, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy for her paper
Сюита Шостаковича на слова Микеланджело: диалог культур-диалог искусств [Shostakovich Suite after Michelangelo: Dialogue of Cultures - Dialogue of Arts].
2021 IRMS Award forBest Junior Scholar Paper
Maria Razumovskaya, Guildhall School of Music, London, UK for her paper
Maria Yudina and the Un-gendering of Vulnerability.
2021 IRMS Award forBest Junior Scholar Paper
Daniil Zavlunov, Stetson University, USA for his paper
“To channel the taste and judgment of the public in a proper direction”: Reading published opera criticism as state propaganda in Nicholas I’s Russia (1825-1855).
2021 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Lee Cannon-Brown, PhD candidate, Harvard University, USA for his paper
Utopian Futurism in the Music Theory of Ivan Wyschnegradsky.
2021 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Alec Wood, PhD candidate, Yale University, USA for his paper
Scriabin’s Sophiological Cosmoerotics.
2021 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
David Salkowski, PhD candidate, Princeton University, USA for his paper
Pan-Slavism, Archeology, and the Invention of Medieval Music in Late Imperial Russia.
2022 IRMS Award for Best Junior Scholar Paper
Joshua Bedford, PhD, Middle Tennessee State University, USA for his paper
Rethinking Socialist Realism: Some Observations from Soviet Opera in the 1930s.
2022 IRMS Award for Best Junior Scholar Paper
Maria Korolkova, PhD, University of Greenwich, UK
Tchaikovsky’s Wife (2022): A close-reading.
2022 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Иван Поршнев, студент Московской Консерватории, Россия
“Ждали знакомого, а от незнакомого отмахнулись”: история концертных исполнений музыки балета “Стальной скок” С.С. Прокофьева в СССР.
[Ivan Porshnev, MA Candidate, Moscow Conservatory, Russia. “Waited for Something Familiar, Brushed Off the Unfamiliar”: the History of Concert Performances of Music from the “Pas d’Acier” by Sergey Prokofiev in USSR].
2022 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Zoe Marzolo, MA Candidate, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Pesnoljubie: The Melomania in Russia at the End of the Eighteenth Century.
2023 IRMS Award for Best Junior Scholar Paper
Keenan Reesor, PhD, Brigham Young University, USA
Rachmaninoff in Music Lexicons, 1900–2013: A Preliminary Study of the Composer’s International Critical Reception.
2023 IRMS Honorary Award
Lars Lih, PhD, Montreal, Canada
Whence These Tears? Marginal and Mainstream Love in Tchaikovsky’s Pikovaia Dama.
2023 IRMS Honorary Award
Александр Комаров, кандидат искусствоведения, старший научный сотрудник (Российский национальный музей музыки, Государственный институт искусствознания, Москва, Россия)
Неопубликованные рукописные документы С.В. Рахманинова в фондах Российского Национального Музея Музыки. Новые данные о композиторе
[Aleksandr Komarov, PhD (Russian National Museum of Music, State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow, Russia). Unpublished Rachmaninov Manuscripts in the Collection of the Russian National Museum of Music: New Information about the Composer].
2023 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Андрей Лейкин, аспирант (Российский институт истории искусств, Санкт Петербург, Россия)
Рукопись «Знаменский театр»: к истории русско-итальянских связей в начале XIX века
[Andrey Leikin, PhD candidate (Russian Institute of Arts History, St. Petersburg, Russia)
Manuscript «Znamensky theatre»: On the History of Russian-Italian Relations at the Beginning of the 19th Century].
2023 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Ryan Gourley, PhD candidate, University of California - Berkeley, USA
Feodor Chaliapin in Harbin’s Diasporic Imagination.
2023 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Tegan Niziol, PhD candidate, University of Toronto, Canada
National Paradigms and Transnational Tours: Siloti’s Reception in America.
2024 IRMS Honorary Award
Galina Petrova, Russian Institute of Arts History, St. Petersburg, Russia
Владимир Стасов про Гектора Берлиоза — избранное [Vladimir Stasov on Hector Berlioz: Selections]
2024 IRMS Honorary Award
Benjamin Goodman, PhD candidate, Royal College of Music, London, UK/Israel
Antisemitism and the Representation of Jewish Themes in Russian Art Music
2024 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Sashi Ayyangar, PhD candidate, Northwestern University, USA
“Indigenous Music for the Piano”: Anton Rubinstein, Rachmaninoff, and the Russian Piano Concerto
2024 IRMS Award for Best Student Paper
Jihong Cai, BS candidate, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA/China
Simplicial Methods for Chords Dynamics and Complexity in Stravinsky’s Compositions
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