9:00 Milan = 10:00 Moscow = 15:00 Shanghai, Hong Kong = 3:00 AM New York
Miscellanea Session
Chair - Maria Razumovskaya, Guildhall School of Music, London, UK
9:20 - Georgy Kovalevsky, Russian Institute of Arts History, St. Petersburg, Russia
"Пиковая дама" П.И. Чайковского: Герман и XVIII век.
10:00 - Jihong Cai, North America International School, Shanghai, China
Studying Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake and The Nutcracker in Music Education: A Project-Based Framework
10:40 - Zoe Marzolo, MA Candidate, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy
Pesnoljubie: The Melomania in Russia at the End of the Eighteenth Century
11:20 - 11:30 Break
Chair - Anna Giust, Verona University, Italy
11:30 - Ada Aynbinder, Tchaikovsky Museum and Archive, Klin, Russia
Чайковский – 2022: из опыта работы над новой биографией композитора для серии «Жизнь замечательных людей»
12:10 - Maria Korolkova, University of Greenwich, UK
Tchaikovsky’s Wife (2022): A close-reading.
12:50 - 14:00 Lunch
Chair - Inna Naroditskaya, Northwestern University, USA
14:00 - Alexandra Berdnikova, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Tchaikovsky and the Russian religious Philosophy of the Pre-Emigrant and Post-Emigrant Period
14:40 - Maria Razumovskaya, Guildhall School of Music, London, UK
Maria Yudina's ‘Intonation’ for the Salon: ‘It is in the small space that big ideas take hold'
15:20 - 15:30 Break
15:30 - Keenan A. Reesor, Southern Virginia University, USA
"Fragments" of a Musical Style: Rachmaninoff’s Music of Late 1917
16:10 - Aleksandr Komarov, Russian National Museum of Music, State Institute of Art Studies, Moscow, Russia
Светские хоры Чайковского. Текст и контекст [Tchaikovsky’s Secular Choruses.Text and Context]